Should work for vanilla XCOM 2 and LW2 (Unsure if it works with WOTC as I do not own it as of now). First Order Helmet - Mandalorian Helmet. The ADVENT-backed alien in twenty year occupation of Earth has helped introduce more advanced small arms technology to the planet, quite altering the technological landscape from that of the time of the foundation of XCOM. Commands from all official DLCs (such as War of the Chosen) are also included. They bend the very cosmos to their will and, often, extend their lives by magical means. Wizards and Their Gear A Wizard is a force of nature. D&D Best Wizard Weapons and Items A Wizard grasps his newly created Staff after Months of research and enchanting. They cost a precious facility slot, lots of power, and oodles of cash in upkeep, in order to give you a small research boost that you probably can't even use.
Below is a list of all XCOM 2 console commands from the latest version of the game.