I ran 0.4 so that adjustment was fairly fast but not an obvious jarring effect when going from very dark to very light or vice versa. 0.1 makes adjustment very slow, as in barely noticable. 10 gives almost instant adjustment which can look odd if you look at the sky and then at the ground at night. R2_tonemap_adaptation - Controls the speed at which your 'eyes' adapt. With this off, dark areas are very dark and the flashlight does nothing. R2_tonemap - Turns tonemapping on and off. There is already documentation out there on most of Stalker's console options, this just covers tone mapping specifically as some are undocumented and it took me a lot of playing with them to get good settings figured out. HDR) was switched off entirely which was the majority of the problem.
I don't remember what the defaults were when I installed, but as I recall, tone mapping (i.e.
I made some changes to the lighting settings as below. STALKER with the AMK mod runs very dark by default (or at least it did when I installed it) and the flashlight did basically nothing.